Green Tea

Our Products

Sakura SenchaSakura Sencha

Freeze dried Sakura, or cherry blossoms, are mixed with Sencha (traditional Japanese organic tea). Enjoy the delicate balance of the sweetness of Sakura with the refreshing taste of Sencha.


The most noble, most elegant, and the most precious of Japanese teas. A delicious taste of serenity and well being.

Yuzu MatchaYuzu Mattcha

This dissolving powdered Matcha is enlivened by the scent of natural Yuzu, an Asian citrus fruit.
Yuzu fruit contains essential oils which are released when the fruit is ground into a paste. This paste is then dried, frozen and mixed with Matcha. Yuzu Matcha dissolves easily in both hot and cold water.

Chazen Taste 4Cha Zen Taste 4

This assortment contains four popular varieties of tea – Sencha, Mecha, Genmaicha and Hojicha, in handy teabags that let you enjoy high quality Japanese tea at home, at the office, and on the go with no fuss.

GemnaichaGenmaicha with Matcha

A mix of Genmai (unpolished rice) toasted with Matcha. The pronounced fragrance of toasted Genmai is reminiscent of hazelnuts and produces a relaxing and refreshing effect.

Sencha HaruSencha Haru

This tea has a light and refreshing taste and has the pleasant fragrance of young spring leaves. It contains Theanine which has an agreeable taste, possesses relaxing qualities and is rich in vitamin C. This tea is refreshing and invigorating.