Posts Tagged ‘setsubun’

eho maki

Eho-Maki (good fortune sushi roll)

Setsubun, the beginning of spring in Japan was February 3rd this year. On the day of setsubun, Japanese eat eho-maki (thick sushi rolls). Eho is the good fortune direction and it varies every year. This year’s eho is south-southeast. We eat the thick sushi roll which preferably contains seven ingredients, facing eho (this year, south-southeast). […]

setsubun mame


Setsubun (節分), a traditional event marking the beginning of spring, usually falls on February third or fourth, according to the Japanese lunar calendar. Japanese celebrate setsubun in many ways depending on the regions, and the bean throwing is one of the common ones. We throw roasted soy beans around our houses, shouting, “”Oni wa soto! […]