Posts Tagged ‘crepe’

matcha mille crepe cake

Matcha Mille Crepe Cake

Save Print   Matcha Mille Crepe Cake; a soft and rich combination of matcha and cream. These crepes are matcha flavored and the cream is plain vanilla. It is a fun project to work on during a long weekend and the end result is so rewarding! This recipe makes one 6 inch diameter cake. Ingredients […]

matcha mille crepe cake

Matcha Mille Crepe Cake

Save Print Matcha Mille Crepe Cake   Matcha mille crepe cake is a gorgeous cake made with thin stacked layers of buttery crepes, with sweet and flavorful matcha cream in between. It is creamy and scrumptious! Remember to use lukewarm milk.! If the milk is cold, the butter will hardens and if it is too […]