Posts Tagged ‘antioxidant’

honey lemon sencha is refreshing

Honey Lemon Sencha

Cold brew sencha with honey lemon is a perfect summer drink! It is tasty and refreshing! To make honey lemon, thinly slice a lemon and put the slices in an air-tight container with 1-2 table spoons of honey. Store in refrigerator for up to three weeks. Just put the honey lemon slice in cold brew […]

immune booster

Boost the Immune System

There are some foods that help boost immune system according to the article on Healthline. The list includes citrus fruits, red bell peppers, broccoli, yogurt, almonds…and green tea! Green tea has an antioxidant called epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG) that enhances immune function. The article also says green tea is a good source of L-theanine, an amino […]

sencha asa 1

Morning Tea Brings You Fortune…

We are often asked why Jugetsudo’s sencha has the word “asa” on its packaging. “Asa” means morning in Japanese, and it is believed in Japan that a cup of green tea in the morning brings you good fortune. There is even a saying that goes, “Go back home to have morning tea despite the seventeen […]

health benefits of matcha

Health Benefits of Matcha

Ever wondered about health benefits of matcha? We found a good article at Dr. Oz’s website. It’s a very good reading. When you make a bowl of matcha, we’d recommend dissolve 1 teaspoon (not tablespoon) of matcha in 2 oz hot water. Don’t forget to sift matcha powder to avoid lumps! DR. Oz: Does Matcha […]