Four students of a junior high school in Osaka, Japan did some research on their friends’ water bottles and found that sencha (classic green tea) prevents mold from reproducing! The result of their research was published in a Japanese science magazine.
They took samples from the lids of the 43 water bottles from their friends. They found molds on 24 lids and found that the lids of the bottles that usually contain sencha (classic green tea) had the least mold spores.
The average number of spores in bottles that usually contain hojicha (roasted tea) is 3,681, and mugicha (barley tea) is 1,863. On the other hand, the number of spores was 228 for water and 112 for the ones with sencha (classic green tea). The sencha bottle had less than one-tenth mold spores than the hojicha and mugicha bottles and less than half of the bottles that contain water.
This must be the product of the green tea’s catechin which has an antibacterial action. It is also known that catechin fights against viruses.
Kudos to the students! Let’s drink green tea and stay healthy!
Jugetsudo Organic Sencha