Posts Tagged ‘green tea’

Umeboshi Sencha is refreshing

Umeboshi Sencha

Umeboshi, or sour salted plums, are a staple in Japanese cuisine. The salty plum tastes great with plain rice, especially in an onigiri (rice ball)! Japanese regularly make umeboshi tea by simply putting a umeboshi into green tea. Any green tea is fine, but sencha works best because of its simple taste. Just put the […]

cold brew hojicha

Cold Brew Hojicha

Make cold hojicha in large quantities and have it ready in your fridge all through summer! It is a delicious and healthy alternative to sodas and store-bought sweetened drinks. If you have small children, it is truly recommended to make this a healthy habit before they become accustomed to the taste of sugary sodas. To […]

matcha mille crepe cake

Matcha Mille Crepe Cake

Save Print   Matcha Mille Crepe Cake; a soft and rich combination of matcha and cream. These crepes are matcha flavored and the cream is plain vanilla. It is a fun project to work on during a long weekend and the end result is so rewarding! This recipe makes one 6 inch diameter cake. Ingredients […]

honey lemon sencha is refreshing

Honey Lemon Sencha

Cold brew sencha with honey lemon is a perfect summer drink! It is tasty and refreshing! To make honey lemon, thinly slice a lemon and put the slices in an air-tight container with 1-2 table spoons of honey. Store in refrigerator for up to three weeks. Just put the honey lemon slice in cold brew […]

matcha souffle cheese cake

Matcha Soufflé Cheese Cake

Save Print Matcha Soufflé Cheese Cake   Matcha Soufflé Cheese Cake is light and fluffy! It melts in your mouth…so delicious! This recipe is for 6″ cake pan. Ingredients 1 package (226g=8oz) cream cheese 20g (3/4 oz) unsalted butter 50cc milk 3 egg yolks 35g (1¼ oz) flour 1 tablespoon matcha powder 55g (2 oz) […]

matcha mille crepe cake

Matcha Mille Crepe Cake

Save Print Matcha Mille Crepe Cake   Matcha mille crepe cake is a gorgeous cake made with thin stacked layers of buttery crepes, with sweet and flavorful matcha cream in between. It is creamy and scrumptious! Remember to use lukewarm milk.! If the milk is cold, the butter will hardens and if it is too […]

iced hojicha latte

Iced Hojicha Latte

Save Print Iced Hojicha Latte   Jugetsudo’s hojicha latte to celebrate the warmer weather! Substituting heavy cream for milk will make the latte richer and more flavorful overall. Ingredients 1 tablespoon (4g) hojicha loose leaf tea ½ cup water 1-2 teaspoons sugar ice ¼ cup heavy cream Instructions In a microwavable cup, put the water […]

sencha with birds

Green Tea’s Antibacterial Action

Four students of a junior high school in Osaka, Japan did some research on their friends’ water bottles and found that sencha (classic green tea) prevents mold from reproducing! The result of their research was published in a Japanese science magazine. They took samples from the lids of the 43 water bottles from their friends. […]

immune booster

Boost the Immune System

There are some foods that help boost immune system according to the article on Healthline. The list includes citrus fruits, red bell peppers, broccoli, yogurt, almonds…and green tea! Green tea has an antioxidant called epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG) that enhances immune function. The article also says green tea is a good source of L-theanine, an amino […]

ginger tea

Ginger Tea

When you have the shivers and think you’ve caught a cold, have some ginger tea. It is said that ginger contains components that open blood vessels and improve blood flow, so ginger can help warm you up! Put 7-8 thin slices of fresh ginger and 1 cup of water into a small saucepan. Bring the […]